Monday, February 24, 2020

Patient Teaching plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Patient Teaching plan - Research Paper Example His current blood glucose level is 256mg/dl. Michael is scheduled for discharge tomorrow with a new insulin prescription. Assessment data indicating Learning Need Michael was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) 3 years ago which has been controlled using Glucotrol (oral medication). It has been established that he is grossly inexperienced when it comes to the self-administration of insulin. His nursing diagnosis would therefore be: insufficient knowledge related to unfamiliarity with Insulin and ways in which to self-administer it, as indicated by patient requesting and verbalizing that someone teach him how to take insulin (Ackley & Ladwig, 2010). Objective of client teaching By the end of this teaching, the patient should be able to explain his diabetic medications, as well as describe the correct way of taking those medications. Assessment of the learner Michael is alert and oriented to time, place, person, and event. He is very frank, communicative and willing to share information pertaining to his personal life and health. He says that he never completed high school but received his GED recently. In the short time I shared with him, I saw him reading to his son, which is a sign that he is literate. In addition to this, he is very informed about his medical condition and monitors his blood glucose daily. Owing to his obesity, Michael needs a walker to move around and says that he tires quite easily. His knowledge concerning the self-administration of Insulin is zero but he is highly motivated to learn. This is shown by his verbal request that someone teach him the skill. Specific learning objectives 1. (Cognitive) patient will have the ability to able to state the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and what to do in each scenario. 2. (Affective) patient will have the ability to be able to state the advantages of maintaining healthy blood glucose levels and the significance of taking insulin in the prescribed manner. 3. (Psy chomotor) patient will demonstrate/show the ability to self-administer Insulin without any assistance/prompts. The teaching session is expected to last around 3 hours. The first hour will involve providing a brief outlook of what diabetes is and how to control it using insulin. I will begin with a basic outline of the pathophysiology of diabetes and the common signs and symptoms. I will then explain to Michael that when controlling his sickness his blood sugar can rise or drop. High blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) is brought about by eating a lot of food, consuming sugary foods, or by not following the prescribed methods of taking insulin. Hyperglycaemia is characterized by frequent urination, fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, blurry vision, and weight loss. If left untreated, it can lead to a coma (Urden, Stacy & Lough, 2006). When you experience hyperglycaemia, take insulin as prescribed and drink water. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is caused by taking a lot of insulin, skipping meals or eating little food. Signs of hypoglycemia include confusion, headache, anxiety, dizziness, shaking, faster heartbeat, slow or slurred speech, sweating, and blurred vision. In case of hypoglycemia, drink or eat something that contains fast-acting sugar. Examples include soda, honey, sugar, fruit juice, or candy bars (Aldridge,

Friday, February 7, 2020

The difficulties of raising many children in these days Research Paper

The difficulties of raising many children in these days - Research Paper Example The case of Nadya Suleman will be used as an example for better explanation of the context. The relationship of doctor and patient should be dealt with special care as a minor mistake may cause a great loss. However, there are certain cases, as of Nadya Suleman, where patients do not think of the long-term effects of their decisions. Before taking a final decision, it is important to think of its forthcoming consequences. Doctors may not compel the patient on anything. Yes, but there always exists a way to advice and explain them things which may be harmful for the patients themselves or for the people associated with them. As far as the transfer of embryos is concerned, doctors are not liable to take decisions about keeping them or not. It is in the hands of the patient to take such personal decisions. On the other hand, the patients should be well-informed about the harmful consequences of keeping and giving birth to them as the patient’s decision, in this case, does not only have an effect on her life but also involves the life of the coming children. In Vitro guidelines state that women under the age of 35 should not transfer more than 2 embryos at a time. This guideline of course carries some importance and should be considered. However, there is no such law imposed in the United States about restricting the number of embryos transferred to a woman’s body. The embryo research conducted by American Academy of Pediatrics state that the number of embryos to be transferred to a woman’s body has been a controversial issue. Despite of the harmful effects of transferring more than 2 embryos at a time, it will be morally problematic to conduct any activity which would result in the destruction of embryos. This is one of the major reasons that America has not imposed any such law so far. Some countries, however, have imposed restrictions on the number of embryos for the betterment of the mother, children, family and consequently the whole society